Monday, September 19, 2011

A Gateway Into My Mind

        My name is Charnita Bartley and a couple of months ago I joined DC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy’s Youth Leadership Task Force. When I started my first day the atmosphere was very comfortable and I knew this was a place that I could get used to. The youth leadership task force is a group of teenagers who come together, discuss the important issues, and relay the message by creating videos to put on our blog. For example, one of the topics we discussed was body image. As a group we come together and brainstorm different ways we can approach a topic. Then we assign different roles such as scriptwriter, producer, actress, editor, etc… When we are finished with the filming and editing, the person who was chosen to be the writer writes a summary about what it is people are about to watch. Then the following week we do the same thing over again, but with a different topic to focus on.
            When I think of the Youth Leadership Task Force I think of a bond that cannot be broken. When I come here I feel as though I can confide in the people that I talk to and edit videos with. The Youth Leadership Task Force has taught me that there are bigger problems out there than those of my own and that we actually have a chance to prevent those problems with our words. Teen girls go through so many things on a day to day basis and hearing words from people their age that can relate can offer a sense of hope that cannot be taken away. While here, I have learned many things. I have learned how to edit a video, I have broadened and polished my writing skills, and I have learned not to be afraid when talking in front of a camera. If someone were to ask me “why should I join the youth leadership task force?” I would tell them join if you want to learn more about problems within your community, join if you want a chance to expand your creative mind, join if you want to gain new friends, and join if you want to make a difference.
            DC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 in order to reduce teenage pregnancies and out-of-wedlock births. The mission of this organization is to cut DC’s teen pregnancy rate in half by 2015. Teen pregnancy is an issue because it hinders a lot of teens from marvelous opportunities that could come their way. Teen pregnancy also leads to more dropouts in school, poverty, stress, and strips teens of their right to enjoy the early years of their lives.
Some  ways to prevent teen pregnancy could include classes or programs that teach the importance of education, discuss the consequences of having a child at an early age and show teens that success could come their way if they wait to have children. If teens are sexually active it is important for them to know that using contraception every single time is necessary. The Youth Leadership Task Force has taught me a range of new skills and has also taught me the importance of making good decisions.

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